Office of the Bishop
1004 Harbor Hills Dr.
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 227-9115 or
(800) 562-9745, ext. 115
Email the Bishop:
[email protected]
To provide administrative and financial support to parishes, schools, and institutions of the diocese along with all departments and offices.
Timothy Thomas
Executive Director of Admin. & Finance/ Human Resources
(906) 227-9114
[email protected]
Our Catholic Schools have been busy learning in their classrooms.
Jessica Betz
Director of Catholic Schools
(906) 227-9127
[email protected]
Working in the spirit of God’s universal love, our mission is to nurture, stabilize, strength and advocate for the diverse families of the Upper Peninsula community.
1100 Ludington, Suite 401
Escanaba, MI 49829
[email protected]
The Chancellor, in service to the Bishop, handles canonical matters, and ensures that the acts of the diocesan curia are drawn up and dispatched. In service to the parishes, this office answers inquiries regarding Church matters.
Very Rev. Daniel Moll
Chancellor - Canonical Questions
Judicial Vicar - Marriage Tribunal
(906) 227-9154
[email protected]
The Communications Department is comprised of the Office of Communications, The U.P. Catholic newspaper and the administration of the diocesan website and
John Fee
Executive Director of Communications
(906) 227-9129
[email protected]
Department responsibilities include: Evangelization training, Parish Faith Formation, Catechist Formation, Sacrament Preparation , Confirmation preparation, Spring Study Day, OCIA, Rite of Election.
Rev. Ryan Ford
Vicar for Evangelization and Catechesis
(906) 379-5069
[email protected]
The Catholic Church believes that marriage is sacred and that it affects the family, society, and the Church. Church Law states, “The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring.” (Canon 1055)
Very Rev. Daniel Moll
Chancellor - Canonical Questions
Judicial Vicar - Marriage Tribunal
(906) 227-9154
[email protected]
If you know of an incident of the sexual abuse of a minor by anyone in Church service including a member of the clergy, a religious, a lay employee or volunteer we encourage you to come forward so that we can take action to protect others and help those who have been harmed to find healing.
Christopher Manlick
(844) 495-4330
Diane Tryan
(844) 694-4362
To serve the mission and vision of the Diocese of Marquette by developing leadership and resources to meet its priorities.
Scott Fenley
Executive Director
Phone: (906) 227-9108
[email protected]
Please pray for our seminarians during their journey of discernment. Consider joining Yoopers for Seminarians by making a donation to support the critical work of building a culture of vocations throughout the UP. You can join by simply making an annual gift, click here to join today.
Rev. Ben Hasse
(906) 227-9112
[email protected]