The annual Religon Bee was held Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at Holy Name School in Escanaba. This event gathers Catholic School students in grades 5-8 from across the diocese to compete and share their knowledge of Catholic teachings and trivia.
You can access the religion bee questions click here. Start studying now for your local school competition!
Melody McBroom | Courtesy of Holy Name High School
The diocesan Religion Bee was held at Holy Name High School in Escanaba on May 8, 2024. (Top photo) Fifth and sixth grade first place winners from Father Marquette Catholic Academy. Front row, from left: Jillian Boburka, Charlie Schlicht, Stella Huddle and Lucia Valenzuela. Second row: Fr. Matthew Chartier, Silas Loewen, Moses Pemble, Matthew McKnight, Ryan Henning, Giovanni Scibelli, Tim McKnight, Matthew Caron and Jessica Paling (teacher). (Bottom photo) Seventh and eighth grade winners from Bishop Baraga Catholic School. From left: Michael Covitz, Elise Cameron, Daniel Erickson, Sophia Richardson and Gemma Raiche.